Physics Phun

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Quiz II

Tell me:
  • One way that you helped yourself study
  • One way that someone else helped you study
  • One way that you helped someone else study

Be specific!!!


Blogger Gustavo said...

One way that you helped yourself study

-Well i went home and i studied my notes for about 1 hr. and i finished the 1-8 problems that were assigned to the class.

One way that someone else helped you study

-Well i worked with a group and if they didnt no something and i told them and if i didnt no something they would tell me.....and if we were lost then we would ask ms. wilson.

One way that you helped someone else study

-Like i said we worked in groups and studies together......

8:33 AM  
Blogger TrifeJr. said...

I went through my notes and practice problems i collected and studied those...One way someone helped me was explained how they got their answer...One way i helped someone was by showing them step by step how i got my answer and if the problem needed conversions to be done

4:17 PM  
Blogger Milhouse said...

Even thou i didnt do homwwork.....i knew what i was doing because i did this test last time i was here & did study hard so did pretty well on the test...thats what i think....

8:26 AM  
Blogger martino said...

one way that i helped myself study was studying the kinematics formulas and memorizing them and doing problems using the formulas,this helped me greatly because it gave me a sense which formula to use for a problem. one way someone helped me study was by showing me different ways how i can solve a problem,and also how to use different formulas. one way that i helped someone study was by seeing what his problem was.

4:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i looked in my notes and made sure i listen my variables that i already had from the equations and that really helped me

2:18 PM  
Blogger Chimz said...

One way i studied was to look over the my notes and redo the problem that we did in class

One way that someone else help me studied was to go over the problems that i didn't understand.

6:52 AM  
Blogger Frank "Da Force" said...

one way 2 help me study 4 the quiz is 2 study all my notes and if im missing any assingments i will get them from my buddies...

6:39 AM  

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