Physics Phun

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Progress of Your Project

Discuss two aspects of your project that are going really well.

Discuss two difficulties you are having with your project.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two aspects of my project that are going well are the contributions that my group members give and the beginning parts of our catapult. Two difficulties with our projects have been to finish our launching ramp and the device used to hold the ping pong ball.

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

one thing that's not going so good is the fact that my group members are not getting along so that makes it very difficult to work. another bad thing is that we cant decide on what to do. the idea of our project keeps changing.
One thing going well is that dispite the difficulties we are still making an attempt to do something.

8:11 AM  
Blogger Frank "Da Force" said...

Two aspects of the project thats going well is everything that we have done sooo far... The two aspects that aren't soo well is shooting the ball and keeping the spoon (or shooting device) straight

7:56 AM  

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