Physics Phun

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Winter break

How will you spend your winter break?

I'm going to go to NH for Christmas, and sleep a lot!!

Momentum Test

So... what did you guys think? Was the test what you expected?

If you thought it was hard, why?
If you thought it was easy, why?

Friday, December 15, 2006

Second Term Grades

At the beginning of this term, you set some goals and expectations for yourself.

Now that we are half way through 2nd term, do you feel you are reaching for those?

Assess yourself constructively.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Types of Engineering

Look up a type of engineer and state what they do.

For example... Biomedical Engineers are engineers (problem solvers) with medical expertise. They design products for the medical field, or otherwise help improve the quality of life.

Examples of product include the artifical heart, a pacemaker, or even dialysis machines.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Engineering School

What are your feelings about The Engineering School?

Do you think we are starting to create an identity for ourselves? Are you proud to be a graduate of TES?

Do you wish that this school had stayed Hyde Park High??

What are some suggestions you have for this school?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

How have you noticed yourself grow?

It is almost winter break, and you have been a senior for a few months now.

How have you seen yourself grow academically so far this year?



Try to respond to all three.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Reading the blog

How many of you read what other people write... even after you post your own comment?

Mr. C

Mr. C is interested in becoming a physics teacher. In fact, he will start teaching more of our physics lessons.

What is one way that you can make this transition easier for him, and for yourself?